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LUCID sets the right course.

We help you to exploit the positive effects of compliance for your company and to prevent syste­matic viola­tions of laws and regula­tions by taking appro­priate preventive measures.

Which statement comes closest to your situation?

Compliance is on everyone’s lips today — what exactly is it? What good does that do me? And what does that cost me?

We offer:

  • Consulting and intro­duction to compliance (subject, background, meaning)
  • Analysis of current state and of core compliance risks
  • Recom­men­dation of a concrete action plan with time and cost estimate

I have a rough idea about compliance and believe that our company must take action. But I don’t know what we actually need and how we should approach the issue in practice.

We offer:

  • Compliance refresher (current signi­fi­cance, key trends and developments)
  • Compre­hensive analysis of current state and company-specific compliance risk analysis: 
    1. Assis­tance in identi­fying, priori­tising / evaluating and managing compliance risks based on general, industry and company-specific requirements
    2. Compre­hensive legal analysis and advice in all core compliance risk areas (antitrust law, corruption, data protection)
    3. Review/advice on other compliance risk areas depending on their concrete relevance (e.g. money laundering, product safety/liability, export control, business secrets, intel­lectual property rights, avoidance of conflicts of interest)
  • Advice and support in the practical imple­men­tation of an individual set of measures based on recognised CMS standards (including IDW PS 980 and ISO 19600), legal literature and current case law, parti­cu­larly in the following areas: 
    1. Compliance culture, goals and communicatio
    2. Compliance organi­sation
    3. Compliance rules and processes
    4. Compliance trainings
    5. CMS testing and monitoring
  • Individual legal advice and ad hoc support on parti­cu­larly urgent issues (e.g. data protection)

Our company has already intro­duced a number of compliance measures. But I’m not sure if that’s enough for a recognised compliance management system or if we might have to make improvements.

We offer:

  • Compre­hensive gap analysis
  • Advice and support in the practical imple­men­tation of an individual set of measures based on recognised CMS standards (including IDW PS 980 and ISO 19600), legal literature and current case law, parti­cu­larly in the following areas:
Compliance Culture, Goals and Communication
  • Consulting on the develo­pment and imple­men­tation of a compliance culture as well as concrete compliance goals based on the corporate culture and taking into account other corporate goals
  • Consulting and support of execu­tives for “tone from the top” and “tone from the middle”
  • Creation of consistent compliance commu­ni­cation concepts

Compliance Organi­sation
  • Review/creation of job descrip­tions and requi­rement profiles for compliance officers
  • Advice on roles and respon­si­bi­lities, organi­sa­tional structure and proce­dures, reporting paths and allocation issues in the area of compliance
  • Advice on the boundary or coope­ration of the compliance organi­sation with other corporate divisions

Compliance Rules and Processes
  • Review/creation of essential compliance regulations
  • Review/creation of compliance clauses in contracts, contract samples and general terms and conditions
  • Creation of rules, review and approval processes for donations to/from third parties as well as donations and sponsoring activities
  • Review/creation of processes for business partner due diligence
  • Consulting for the imple­men­tation of compliance requi­re­ments in personnel processes

Compliance Training
  • Consulting for the imple­men­tation of compliance requi­re­ments in personnel processes
  • Provision of classroom trainings

CMS Testing and Monitoring
  • Review/creation of processes for periodic and ad hoc controls of the CMS
  • Consulting and practical support in the execution of CMS controls

  • Agreement on an action plan including practical support for imple­men­tation and follow-up
  • Individual legal advice and ad hoc support on parti­cu­larly urgent issues (e.g. data protection)

Our company already has an estab­lished and functioning CMS. However, I need specific legal advice, practical expertise or selective support in the further develo­pment of our CMS.

We offer:

  • Individual legal advice / “second opinion”
  • Individual support for adaptation/improvement of individual CMS elements
  • Practical prepa­ration for CMS exami­nation or certi­fi­cation (Compliance “Health-Check”)
  • Individual advice and support on CMS realignment, reorga­ni­sation or reaction to changed risk profile
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