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Is LUCID the right compliance partner for you? Here’s how LUCID differs from other law firms.

LUCID under­stands practical needs.

With many years of industry experience, we are very familiar with struc­tures, processes and the various challenges in companies of different indus­tries and sizes. We don’t speak legalese but your language, and even complex compliance issues are clearly and compre­hen­sibly explained for you.

We under­stand national and inter­na­tional business.
  • We have worked for many years in Germany and inter­na­tio­nally as corporate lawyers and compliance officers. Our experience covers various indus­tries, including pharmaceu­ticals, chemicals, consumer goods, IT/semiconductors, dietary supple­ments, direct sales, multi-level marketing (MLM)/network marketing.
  • We are familiar with the typical risk areas of the various corporate divisions, from purchasing to production and sales to central functions, and include these in the risk assessment as well as the management (“bottom-up” and “top-down”).
  • We think and act entre­pre­neu­rially, are agile and close to the business, but whenever necessary we also point out boundaries and speak plainly.

We offer a broad spectrum of expertise in all areas of compliance and conflict management.
  • We have advised and repre­sented a number of companies in various negotia­tions with business partners and autho­rities in Germany and internationally.
  • We have advised and trained board members, managing directors and thousands of employees in various legal areas (including antitrust and distri­bution law, anti-corruption, data protection, regulatory affairs) and compliance issues.
  • As local and regional compliance officers, we have conducted and super­vised numerous internal compliance inves­ti­ga­tions in Germany and internationally.
  • We have success­fully repre­sented our clients in court and arbitration proceedings.
  • We cover all core areas of compliance. If required, we can draw on an inter­na­tional network of experts in all areas of law.

We work pragma­ti­cally, effici­ently and in a solution-oriented manner.
  • We offer you tailor-made solutions rather than standard legal advice, as every compliance program must be adapted to suit each individual corporate culture and risk landscape.
  • We are guided by recognised compliance standards and the very latest scien­tific findings and case law. At the same time, we help you to set the right priorities and take care of the practical imple­men­tation of necessary measures and subse­quent follow-up.
  • We also know when to stop and deliver as much as you need, but no more than required.

LUCID thinks positively.

For many companies, the mention of “compliance” brings with it uneasiness. They associate it with an abundance of rules and prohi­bi­tions and believe that their entre­pre­neurial produc­tivity is slowed down by complex requi­re­ments. We want to create an awareness that the exact opposite is the case.

Because compliance means much more than just complying with rules and laws. Compliance

  • creates trust in your products and services.
  • gives you and your employees direction.
  • provides your company with a compe­titive advantage.
  • protects your company from material and non-pecuniary damage.

In short: Compliance enables sustainable growth for your company.

LUCID acts proactively.

We know that compliance can also lead to conflicts. We keep an eye on this from the start. With a clearly struc­tured approach, we ensure that many internal and external conflicts do not arise at all, because they not only temporarily tie up valuable resources, they often damage your company in the long term.

  • GOAL, STRATEGY AND VALUE CONFLICTS are recognised at the management level of your company in good time and addressed professionally.
  • ROLE CONFLICTS within your compliance organi­sation are elimi­nated in advance by appro­priate struc­tural and commu­ni­cative measures.
  • CONFLICTS WITH EMPLOYEES, CUSTOMERS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS are often avoided by clear compliance rules, adequate commu­ni­cation and consistent behaviour of company management.

If conflicts nevertheless arise, we help you to manage them effici­ently and profes­sio­nally so that you can concen­trate on the essen­tials immediately: Your business.

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